Reprocessing of Waste Plastics

Recycling of Tasmanian Hospital Waste

There is over 15 tonnes of hospital PVC IV

bags going to Tasmanian landfill annually.

 Waste IV Bags from Tasmanian Hospitals

With over 15 tonnes of flexible PVC hospital IV bags annually adding to the Tasmanian waste stream, Baxter approached Envorinex™ to run a trial program to collect and recycle this resource.

AS PVC is 57% sea salt and recyclable over ten times, this longevity of reusable life is innovatevely demonstrated in Australia by Envorinex™ successfully leading the removal and recycling of PVC technical profile waste into commercially sustainable products.

Envorinex™ is unique within the plastic manufacturing industy, for building products which meet the building code specifications we use raw virgin materials, however we also have our own recycing businesses in three states where we collect pre and post consumer PVC waste and re-use the waste material into 'new' products such as luggage webbing, concrete seals and BIPU™ septic chambers.

From June 2013 to March 2014 Envorinex™ ran a trial program with the Tasmanian hospitals which allowed PVC IV bags, masks and tubing to be collected and recycled.

Following the success of the program Envorinex™ have continued to work with Baxter, who now provide the logistics for collecting and delivering the material to Welvic for recycling and recompounding in Victoria.

Without this program support the hospital PVC would revert back to being disposed of at deep landfill sites in Tasmania.